The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cooper is 4

Can you believe how fast time flies???  Cooper just celebrated his 4th birthday.  He went to his doctor 2 weeks ago for his check-up and was supposed to have his immunizations (4 of them), but couldn't because he had an ear infection.  What?  An ear infection?  "Yes, its a bad one," his doctor said.  Hmmm, well he doesn't have a fever, hasn't acted out of the ordinary, and hasn't complained a single bit...but okay, if you say so!  So we gave him the medicine to cure this mysterious ear infection (which by the way is only the second one he has ever had!).  Today we went back to the doctors to make sure the ear infection was gone and so he could get his needles...all 4 of them.

His ear infection was gone, so it was now needle time.  Nick came with me to help.  We talked to him about it and he understood.  He sees me give my needles everyday so he is kind of familiar with them.  Tara, our nurse, came in and said to Nick "lay him down with his legs to me, and hold his arms crossed over one another."  By the time Nick had Coopers arms crossed she was done.  This nurse is amazing.  Ya, ya, we all talk about how good of a nurse we had, but you don't understand.  ALL nurses give needles the same way.  I've had a few thousand needles to know this.  And this girl is AMAZING.  When I say all 4 needles are done within 8 seconds, I mean it.  Done, band-aids on.  I need to video her next time to prove it.  These is something about her that is unlike anything I have ever seen.  Its amazing.

Anyways, Cooper teared up a bit for the needles but since they were so fast he mostly got mad at us for making him have them.  He's been good ever since.  I've heard horror stories of "my kids having a bad day because they got their shots."  Not mine, once they are done with their crying from the pain, they are totally over it!  No fevers, no owies, no nothings.  We hit the jackpot with these two boys  :)