The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cooper Goes to Kindergarten

HOLY COW.  Cooper is in elementary school.  How on earth did this happen????  He has been counting down the days for weeks.  I have never seen a little boy so excited about school in my life!  We took him shopping for his school supplies a couple weeks before he started and he really did look like a kid in a candy store.  He kept saying "I need this for kindergarten" every time a person walked by (as if to make sure that person KNEW he was starting KINDERGARTEN).

On Monday, August 26th, 2013 at 5:45 AM Nick and I's alarm clock went off.  I got ready for the day, then started on Coopers lunch.  Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, crackers, juice box, nutri grain bar, and some grapes.  We packed him a snack for his afternoon (since they eat lunch at 10:30 AM).

Before leaving the house we got some great pictures of Cooper.  I made this white t-shirt the night before.  Its a man's large.  I figure we can take a picture of him in it each "1st day of school" until he graduates high school, and fits into the shirt.  Just guessing on size...  :)  Cannot believe he will be class of 2026!

 At 7:10 the 4 of us walked out the front door and walked Cooper to his classroom at Blanton Elementary School.

His teacher Mrs. Elizalde is really nice.  She is exactly what you want for your kiddo's kindergarten teacher: young, spunky, a little on the crazy side.  She was perfect!

The walk to his classroom is 1.18 miles each way.  We are going to be skinny minnie's by the end of the year I tell ya!

We were waiting for him outside in the spot we told him we would be really early.  We really wanted to know how his day went!  He walked out of the classroom at the beginning of the group of kids who walk home.  Talk about an emotional mommy moment!  He did great.  We got to snap a few pictures with his friends too which was great!

We are so proud of him!!!

Wyatts 3rd Birthday

On our trip to the beach and Sea World Wyatt turned 3.  We didn't celebrate it while on vacation because we spent the whole day driving.  We pushed it out until we got home from vacation (On Wednesday night). The Fergusons were with us still which made it really special.  We all went over to my parents house and celebrated with my brothers family also.  What a big group of people to celebrate our little guys big day!

San Antonio and the Beach 2013

Its that time again!  Vacation time with the Ferguson family!  We started out planning a mini camping trip just south of Dallas...but that fell through when all the cabins were booked for the weekend we were wanting to go on.  Kristi and I started brainstorming and decided to do a beach/Sea World trip.  It was LOTS of driving, but so much fun.  The Fergusons left their home in Oklahoma on Friday and drove down to our house.  We all had a hard time falling asleep because we were so excited for the trip!  We left Lantana (our house) at 7 am on Saturday.  Our first stop on the drive was in West, Texas.  We visited the Kolache shop that is very well known.  West is where the fertilizer plant had the major explosion a few months ago and the kolache shop is donating a portion of the money they make to help rebuild the city.  Over $150,000 has been raised already!  Oh, yes...the kolaches.  SO amazing, and I don't even like kolaches!

We continued our drive to some hillbilly little town to stop at a barbeque joint Nick has been dying to go to.  I personally wasn't a fan (Smitty's was the name of it), but it was neat to say we had been there considering it is supposed to be one of the best bbq places in Texas.

A couple hours later we arrived in Shiner, Texas.  Guess why?  You got it: the Shiner Brewery is there.  We showed up on a Saturday when they don't do tours, but it was a nice chance to let the kids out of the car to run around.  The gift shop was great too (we scored lots of great deals!)

The last stop of our LONG drive was the beach.  YAY!  Port Aransas is a nice little beach just south of Corpus Cristi.  We had heard some not so great things about Corpus Cristi, so we went South and ended up a great little location.  Our hotel was right on the beach, and the water was beautiful!  It didn't take us long to hop in our suits and hit the water!  The 5 kids LOVED it!

Our second day was spent at the beach also.  All day running and swimming in the water, playing in the sand, and looking for shells and fish.  Nick got a mighty good sunburn as he sat in the water for so many hours.  The kids were all exhausted by the end of the day.

After spending the day at the beach we went out for dinner to unwind.  We ate early leaving us time to explore other areas of the beach.  The 9 of us headed to Bob Hall Pier where the kids and husbands did some fishing while the wives took pictures and watched the younger kiddo's.  It was beautiful to be out in the ocean on the pier!

On Monday morning we drove 4 hours to San Antonio.  Hello Sea World!  What an amazing experience that was.  Anyone who knows me well, knows my favorite animals are whales.  In 6th grade we did a unit on whales and I've been hooked since.  They are amazing creatures if you ask me :)  We spent Monday and Tuesday seeing the shows and riding rides there.  So much fun!  We bought the year pass and plan to go back in late September or early October to see it again when it cools off.
 Kristi had Sea World shirts made for each kiddo with their name on it!  They turned out so good!

On Tuesday evening we went to the Riverwalk to eat dinner and take the boat tour.  What an awesome way to end our vacation!

On Wednesday we drove home.  So sad for our vacation to be over, but we know we will have another fun trip with the Fergusons in a year or so!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Merry Christmas 2012

This year was a little crazy at our house for Christmas.  We had only been in the house for less than a month when we needed to start decorating for Christmas.  Luckily I knew where all the decor was stored upstairs to get too to start decorating.  We didn't have many decorations for the size of the new house, but we certainly made do with what we had.  Nick did a great job putting up the outside lights, it truly looked amazing.  Our tree was small, but it was cozy.  We had our mantle set up and some other fun decor throughout the house.  Next year I will go overboard, don't you worry :)

Nicks parents came to our house a few days before Christmas.  We spent the days shopping and getting ready for Santa's visit.

The boys made their reindeer food for the reindeer and set out cookies for Santa.  It was fun to watch their excitement.

You should have seen the toys and gifts we had delivered!  Santa did so good.  We sure are lucky!

Family Pics!

Its about time we got some great pictures taken!  Our great friend from college Josef has a super sweet girlfriend who came to take family pictures for us.  Her work is beautiful and she is just a super sweet girl.  She did an AMAZING job!  Love them all!!!