The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cooper Goes to Kindergarten

HOLY COW.  Cooper is in elementary school.  How on earth did this happen????  He has been counting down the days for weeks.  I have never seen a little boy so excited about school in my life!  We took him shopping for his school supplies a couple weeks before he started and he really did look like a kid in a candy store.  He kept saying "I need this for kindergarten" every time a person walked by (as if to make sure that person KNEW he was starting KINDERGARTEN).

On Monday, August 26th, 2013 at 5:45 AM Nick and I's alarm clock went off.  I got ready for the day, then started on Coopers lunch.  Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, crackers, juice box, nutri grain bar, and some grapes.  We packed him a snack for his afternoon (since they eat lunch at 10:30 AM).

Before leaving the house we got some great pictures of Cooper.  I made this white t-shirt the night before.  Its a man's large.  I figure we can take a picture of him in it each "1st day of school" until he graduates high school, and fits into the shirt.  Just guessing on size...  :)  Cannot believe he will be class of 2026!

 At 7:10 the 4 of us walked out the front door and walked Cooper to his classroom at Blanton Elementary School.

His teacher Mrs. Elizalde is really nice.  She is exactly what you want for your kiddo's kindergarten teacher: young, spunky, a little on the crazy side.  She was perfect!

The walk to his classroom is 1.18 miles each way.  We are going to be skinny minnie's by the end of the year I tell ya!

We were waiting for him outside in the spot we told him we would be really early.  We really wanted to know how his day went!  He walked out of the classroom at the beginning of the group of kids who walk home.  Talk about an emotional mommy moment!  He did great.  We got to snap a few pictures with his friends too which was great!

We are so proud of him!!!

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