The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wyatt is Officially a Big Boy!

Last week Wyatt woke up in the middle of the night.  We could hear him crying in his bed so Krista went and got him.  She tried to rock him to sleep for quite some time but he wanted no part of it.  Eventually she put him back in his bed to fall asleep on his own.  A few minutes later while laying in bed we hear a very strange sound: bang.  It was Wyatt's bedroom  door.  Funny, since he sleeps in a crib  ;)  A few minutes later we hear "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." and its getting closer...and closer...and closer...until he is in our room beside our bed.  Sigh, yes, he hopped out of his crib.  The next evening we switched his crib to a toddler bed by putting the special side onto it.  He loves being a "big boy" but still hates going to sleep.  We have put a gate up onto his door so he doesn't run wild at night haha!  He has done surprisingly well though!  (Well, as long as its not nap time...he STILL hates naps...!)
 Yes, this is how he fell asleep....with a pillow over his head.  We have to check him constantly to make sure he doesn't do it again or we will have to take his pillow away!  What a kid!

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