The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Floor

It seems like whenever I finally remember to write on this blog, I come up with many different postings I need to write about!  Last weekend Nick and I took a sledgehammer to our kitchen floor.  When we bought the house in 2006 we put our (well I didn't do  any of it...Nick is the home repair guy) first attempt at a tile floor down.  Our grout lines were big and a bit uneven...and the grout was white.  NOT A GOOD IDEA in a kitchen.  Ever.  So finally we decided to change it.  And holy heck am I glad we did.  Our new floor is is the rest of our house because it has all since been dusted...yes, every square inch of it.  That's what happens when we don't tarp off the doorway from the kitchen into the rest of the house when we took the sledgehammer to the floor.  Sigh.  So, here are a few pictures of our incredible new floor!  (OOh!, and I got a new dishwasher while he was at it.  Amazing.  I am beyond excited about my dishwasher.  YAY).

Picture of the old floor...when it was clean...yes, I told you white grout was a bad idea.

New floor going down!  You will have to wait for more pictures of the finished project because they have yet to be taken on the camera...then uploaded!

Cooper's 4th Birthday Party

I am a terrible blogger...sorry.

BUT...I am here now, blogging.  What an awesome weekend we just had.  Cooper had his 4th Birthday Party!  It was amazing.  We had all of our closest family and friends here.  We decided to have it at our house (actually I tried to have it elsewhere but Cooper insisted on having it at his "home").  It worked out so well.  We played lots of games with the kids too!  We played pin the tail on the donkey, had sack races, bobbing for apples, and had a pinata.  The bag races were especially fun because my brother dared my mom and I to compete.  It was fantastic!  Anyways, here are some pictures from the special day.  Happy Birthday Cooper, we love you bunches!!!

The kids all lined up ready to start their race!

The boys: JD, Cooper, and Patrick

Mom and I racing...It was crazy!

Pinata time!

Cooper bobbing for apples while Kacie looks on.

Uncle Brian with the little boys playing in the backyard.

Guess what Cooper got...  :)

Make a wish birthday boy!!!