The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Trip to Tennessee!

During the second week of February, we surprised the boys with a trip to Tennessee!  At 6 am of Saturday we loaded them into the car and drove 11 hours to Nashville...without ever telling them WHERE we were going.  Cooper knew the second we drove into Nana and Papa's driveway where we were though!

We spent a week doing lots of fun things, from art to sightseeing, to visiting the children's museum.
Wyatt loved playing in the front seat while Nick and Daddy went into Subway to get us some lunch on the drive to Tennessee!


Our little cowboy dressed up to walk downtown Nashville!

Posing for his picture!

We ate lunch at Margaritaville.  A guy on stilts made up some great balloon toys and hats!

Nashville has some crazy hills!  Poor Cooper was pooped walking them all!

Wyatt thought it would be fun to color on himself, rather than on his paper...

Being silly!

Nana and Wyatt doing some fun painting!

Dirty hands!

Nana and Coop baking some muffins, yum!

We love crayon art!

Wyatt learned how to get out of his pack n now he had to have up put him to sleep, then we would transfer him to his bed.  One night Nick put Wyatt  to sleep...and fell asleep for the night too!

These are from the children's museum.  It was awesome!!

they are lifting up a car!

Oh my, Cooper is on the moon!

Coopers crayon art!

The neatest name art!

Being so good on the long car ride home!

Cooper fell asleep, so Wyatt took Coopers teddy bear!  He was so sneaky!

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