The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Thursday, May 19, 2011


This past month has been SO busy!  Let's break it down into the 4 weeks of a typical month.

Week 1: My family friends, Gwen and Larry, came down to Texas to visit.  Whenever family comes, we try and spend as much time as possible with them.  That meant LOTS of driving back and forth to my parents house (which is an hour away from our house).  They were here for one week.  They left on a Friday and my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin showed up that Sunday.

Week 2 and Week 3- Aunt Sandy, Uncle Murray, and my cousin Marc came down from Canada.  What a trip!  We had such a great time and stayed busy the entire two weeks!  Cooper and Wyatt got spoiled, as always, by the family!  Cooper had a bit of a hard time adjusting once they left because we stayed at my parents house for most of the days that they were here.  Less than a year and they will be back though!

Week(end) 4- Nicks parents flew down from Tennessee from this past Thursday night (they didn't get in until late at night), and stayed until lunch on Monday.  It was a short visit, but we never stopped!  Nicks brothers also came on Saturday afternoon/early evening, and left the following day.  It was a PACKED house!

Cooper is in his second to last week of school.  He is going to have such a hard time this summer not going to school because he absolutely LOVES it!  I'm a bit worried about how he will do once he returns next year and has a new teacher because he LOVE his teacher, Mrs. Holloway, so much!  I'm trying to come up with lots of fun things to keep us all busy this summer though!  Keep reading during the next few weeks to see what I come up with!  (OH!  I almost forgot...while my cousin was in town we went to a drum and guitar store so he could see for some new pieces for his drum set.  Cooper fell in drum now we have a drum set in our living room, and a little boy who loves to go crazy on them!  Drum lessons to start soon...)

Wyatt is getting SO big!  He is 9 months old, and wearing 18 month clothing.  He is SO tall its insane!  He is in the 90th percentile on height.  Poor chum is growing faster than his little body can get used to it!  He's crawling really fast, pulling up on everything, and is completely head over heals in love with his big brother.  If he ever has a sad face, Cooper can change it in an instant by just coming close to him.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky with these two sweet boys!

Nick and I have been busy too.  We have been painting (with a hand) the inside of the new fence.  We will spray the outside, but we don't want the metal poles to be painted or have runs with the paint on the inside so we are painting it by hand.  We have about 12 hours (times 2 people) in so far and we have just passed the halfway mark!  Its not too bad though, we talk and have a good time doing it while we are out there.

Nick is still liking his job.  He is quite busy and has some of the strangest times for business calls (I guess thats what happens when he is dealing with companies all over the world!).  He is also on a men's softball league, so the kids and I have been his cheer squad over the past few weeks while he is playing.  He has been wanting to join one for a few years and finally found a team by luck and it has been working out really well for him!

I am still busy doing the typical mommy things!  I love it though!  Lots of cooking too.  I have a cooking blog that has taken off and is taking up tons of my time, but I love it and have gotten some really good compliments from it!

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