The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wyatt is 9 Months Old!

We just got back from Wyatt's 9 month doctor's appointment.  He is doing so good!  He is already doing everything he should be learning between now and when we go back for his one year appointment!  Cooper seemed to be a few months behind on all of his leanings (probably because of his prematurity when he was born), and Wyatt seems to be months ahead.  So crazy!  (Don't worry, Cooper is up to speed now, and even advanced on certain things like motor skills).

Anyways, here are Wyatt's statistics:  He is in the 90th percentile on his height, and in the 50th percentile on his head circumference and weight.

No needles today too which was a  great thing!

Cooper came with us to the Doctor and praised Wyatt for being such a big and good boy.  Make me super proud that he's mine!

While driving to the doctors we had to drive by my OB who I saw when I was pregnant with both boys.  Cooper decided to explain to me how Dr. Sharma (my OB) took Wyatt out of my belly and how he was happy she did.  Super cute, thought I would mention it  :)  More to come soon!

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