The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Easter 2011

It is now May and I am just realizing how far behind I have been on writing on this blog!  I don't do it on purpose, I've just been really busy (read the next post and you will see why!).  So, here is a quick rundown of our Easter and some pictures to go along with it!

My Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin arrived the night before Easter, so we had a great wake up the following morning.  The Easter bunny did a great job hiding eggs all over my parents massive house and yard.  It took Cooper over an hour to find all his eggs.  Wyatt got some fun things too, but he is still too little to do the egg hunt.  Next year though!

Here is a picture of my two little guys in their bunny ears, thanks to their Nana! :

Cooper had a great time finding eggs all over the place:

It was a great day, went by too quickly though!

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