The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Phone Call....

Tuesday was a crazy day here at the Middleton house.  I got a very special check in the mail from a family friend for X amount of money to put towards my Diabetic Alert Dog.  Inside the envelope with the check was a paper for me to fill out to have the donors company match their donation 100%!  I was blown away.  I don't know this family all that well and it really hit me hard with how special some of these families surrounding us are.  I had lots of emotions come over me too because these past few weeks have been a flooding of support from people around us and it finally hit me.

I decided to call Dan Warren from the company I am getting my D.A.D from.  He was busy so I left a message.  I ran out of the house and went up to the bank (which is less than 2 minutes away).  I was home in no time.  The boys were in the pool with Nick...and missed the call back from Dan.  He left a message saying "Hey Krista, returning your call....I was going to call you today."  My heart froze.  Why would Dan be calling me?  It can't be my turn to get my dog can it?

I called him back, but he didn't answer...

He called me back 2 hours later.  He asked me if I had been on facebook at all today (hello, its me Krista.  Of course I have been on facebook.  And yes, I have seen all the posts about you calling people to let them know they are getting their dogs within the next month to month and a half.).  He then told me "congratulations, you are getting a female black lab."  I was in shock.  I cried on the phone for a second, then regained my composure, then remembered how badly we wanted a chocolate male.  Oh well, I moved on pretty quickly.  So, there you have it: I'm getting a female, black Diabetic Alert Dog!  WOW!

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