The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wyatt is Potty Training Himself

Wyatt is something else.  There is no other kiddo like him.  He truly blows us away every single day.  He is so determined and will learn anything very, very quickly.  He decided he didn't like diapers.  He also doesn't like clothes.  If someone walks by the house they truly would think we have a little nudist in our house.  Its crazy.  It got so bad that we brought down the potty and explained how to use it.  He will say "potty" all the time.  And yes, he is totally training himself how to use it.

(can I just say how thankful I am for all solid floors in the house?  It makes any...spills...very easy to clean up!)

Oh, and if we need him to have his diaper on we have had to come down to duct taping it on him.  BUT, he figured out really quickly how to rip it down from the bottom.  He then walks around with his tape around the belly, but the diaper just hanging...not supporting. SIGH...

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