The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Camping in April

What a weekend!  Two years ago we went camping with a bunch of friends and the temperature went down to below freezing that night.  It was my first time EVER to camp and I swore I would never do it again because of how cold it was (and we all know how much I hate the cold!).  Well...over time you forget...and when people start talking about going camping again I jumped on board and ended up organizing the entire thing!

The four of us drove to Oklahoma on Friday morning.  We drove directly to Greenleaf State Park and spent Friday night camping by the cold...and wind...a day after the tornado's swept through Oklahoma.  Did I mention the temperatures went down to the low 40's in the night?  Or that the wind was INSANE!  We thought our little tent would take off!  We had 3 paper plates in the bed of the truck with dinners crumbs still on it.  This brought a night of chasing off silly raccoons.  We would chase them away, and they would come back.  It went on all night!  Anyways, after we woke up the next morning I had a case of the grumpy's because I couldn't warm up! 

Around 10 that morning our friends Chad and Danielle from college showed up with 3 of their friends.  The fun began!

There was too much happening to be cold!  We all had a few beers while sitting around the campfire.  We roasted hot dogs for lunch and then everyone except Wyatt and I went down to the pier to go fishing.  I stayed with the baby because he was napping.  Danielle and Cooper came back a few minutes later.

We had a fantastic day, and the weather did warm up to a nice sweatshirt weather.  Around dinner some more of our friends came.  Hugh is Cooper's age and so the boys went crazy playing around the campsite.  They played and ran around until we all went to bed at 11:30.  Wyatt and 10 week old Henry did so good!  Luckily the temperature didn't get very cold on this night.  We all slept well and had a great night.  The next morning we had a great breakfast of breakfast burritos cooked by Nick.  He was the chef all weekend and boy did he do a great job!  We had coffee cooked on the campfire, breakfast burritos (filled with eggs, sausage, salsa, cheese), and breakfast burritos.  SO YUMMY!

Around lunchtime we all packed up and headed home.  It was a great weekend and we have already started planning our next trip!  Take a minute to scan some of the weekends pictures!
The 4 of us in front of our new tent!

Nick, Cooper, Danielle G, Chad, Danielle L, Brian, and Curtiss fishing off the pier

Cooper showing us his minnow!

Chad and Nick taking care of the fire to keep us all warm

Nick and Cooper flying a kite

Jessica throwing the ball to Hugh while Nick and Cooper play outfield.  They all had a blast!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finished Fence!!!

I am so excited to announce that our fence is complete!!!  I hated that fence before we even bought our house...and now it is GONE!!!  I can't stop smiling because it is SO beautiful!  Nick and my Dad worked So hard to do it and it looks amazing!  Nick figures it took about 60 hours worth of work to finish it and I would have to agree with him.  Another 3-4 cases of beer...a tractor...a 3 year old doing his best to help...a few cuts and scrapes...and here is what you get:

The Before

The After!!!

The before

The After!

Here are a few more of the finished fence (we still have to stain it...but I wanted to show it off regardless of it having the stain on it or not!)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I just realized I forgot to post about Cooper's cow!!!  My parents got two Mamma cows, and two calves a couple of weekends ago.  They let Cooper and my niece Kacie each name a cow.  Kacie names hers Macie, and Cooper named his calf...Reba.  As in...Reba McIntyre.  As funny as it is, its sort of smart since the cows are red!  Anyways, here are a couple fun pictures of the cows!
They were following my Dad and Coopy for dinner!

This is Tilley and her calf Macie

Tilley and Cooper.  (Tilley is the friendliest out of the Mamma cows.  Reba's mom, Trixie, is a bully...and poor Reba is still really nervous around people).

She is SO cute!

Since I wrote about the silly cows, I might as well add a picture or two of the horses.  Cooper is in love with the farm animals (he is suddenly terrified of dogs strange!).

Cooper and Sunny.  He loves the horses!  Sunny is the king of the castle.  He doesn't want any other farm animal or horse to get any pets or love...crazy horse.

Here's Midnight and Sunny running around the field.

Cooper's Finger

What a month for hands at the Middleton household!  First was my hand getting the blood infection after having an IV removed/inserted poorly, and now Coop!  After mom and dad helped with the fence on Saturday they wanted to bring Cooper back to their house (not sure who wanted it more, my parents bringing him to their house, or Cooper going to their house).  Anyways, on Sunday morning Dad went to the store and Mom was cleaning her bathroom.  Cooper tried to shut the double doors leading into the bathroom to block the dogs from coming in and got his poor little thumb pinched in the doors.

I was shopping when I got the call from Nick telling me I needed to go pick up Cooper (an hour away at my parents).  I called and the poor little guy was a mess (not to mention my Mom who is terrified of blood)!  I was at Target so I picked up some bandages, cleaners, gauze, and tape and made a dash to Argyle (where my folks live).

When I got there Dad was still gone (he didn't have his phone on him so he had no idea anything was happening), Mom was calming down, and poor Coopy was asleep on the couch...finger/hand/cheek from brushing his face full of blood.  Not to mention the soaked paper towels and blanket his hand was resting on.  He woke up a few minutes later, still shaking pretty good.  :(

Here are a few pictures of the hands at our house!  Luckily my swelling has diminished, but poor Coopers is still a mess.  I still have some pain, but not enough to need any painkillers or such.  Coopers still needs to have the bandages changed and cleaned over two hours or continues to bleed if touched 3 days later!  (His finger bled nonstop for a good 12 hours after his accident, poor chum!)

How gross are my hands?

Poor guys little thumb when I got to mom and dads...

This is a little while after we started to clean it up...

Two days later...  Its black and blue still.  It continues to bleed if touched wrong  :(

More Fence...

Another weekend has gone by, and the fence still isn't finished!  Not because Nick and my Dad haven't been working, its just such a huge fence!  Dad brought one of his tractors over this weekend which made pulling out the old polls so much easier!  The weather was hot, which was good and bad.  Good for my tan, bad for the guys working in the heat!  Cooper and Wyatt loved it this weekend because they were able to play in the hose/water!  Here are a few weekend pictures!  More to come!
Cooper got a kick out of his own personal water park in the backyard!

Grams and Cooper having a water fight!

One of Dad's tractors getting ready to hook it up to the polls and pull them out.

The side fence is down!