The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More Fence...

Another weekend has gone by, and the fence still isn't finished!  Not because Nick and my Dad haven't been working, its just such a huge fence!  Dad brought one of his tractors over this weekend which made pulling out the old polls so much easier!  The weather was hot, which was good and bad.  Good for my tan, bad for the guys working in the heat!  Cooper and Wyatt loved it this weekend because they were able to play in the hose/water!  Here are a few weekend pictures!  More to come!
Cooper got a kick out of his own personal water park in the backyard!

Grams and Cooper having a water fight!

One of Dad's tractors getting ready to hook it up to the polls and pull them out.

The side fence is down!

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