The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Camping in April

What a weekend!  Two years ago we went camping with a bunch of friends and the temperature went down to below freezing that night.  It was my first time EVER to camp and I swore I would never do it again because of how cold it was (and we all know how much I hate the cold!).  Well...over time you forget...and when people start talking about going camping again I jumped on board and ended up organizing the entire thing!

The four of us drove to Oklahoma on Friday morning.  We drove directly to Greenleaf State Park and spent Friday night camping by the cold...and wind...a day after the tornado's swept through Oklahoma.  Did I mention the temperatures went down to the low 40's in the night?  Or that the wind was INSANE!  We thought our little tent would take off!  We had 3 paper plates in the bed of the truck with dinners crumbs still on it.  This brought a night of chasing off silly raccoons.  We would chase them away, and they would come back.  It went on all night!  Anyways, after we woke up the next morning I had a case of the grumpy's because I couldn't warm up! 

Around 10 that morning our friends Chad and Danielle from college showed up with 3 of their friends.  The fun began!

There was too much happening to be cold!  We all had a few beers while sitting around the campfire.  We roasted hot dogs for lunch and then everyone except Wyatt and I went down to the pier to go fishing.  I stayed with the baby because he was napping.  Danielle and Cooper came back a few minutes later.

We had a fantastic day, and the weather did warm up to a nice sweatshirt weather.  Around dinner some more of our friends came.  Hugh is Cooper's age and so the boys went crazy playing around the campsite.  They played and ran around until we all went to bed at 11:30.  Wyatt and 10 week old Henry did so good!  Luckily the temperature didn't get very cold on this night.  We all slept well and had a great night.  The next morning we had a great breakfast of breakfast burritos cooked by Nick.  He was the chef all weekend and boy did he do a great job!  We had coffee cooked on the campfire, breakfast burritos (filled with eggs, sausage, salsa, cheese), and breakfast burritos.  SO YUMMY!

Around lunchtime we all packed up and headed home.  It was a great weekend and we have already started planning our next trip!  Take a minute to scan some of the weekends pictures!
The 4 of us in front of our new tent!

Nick, Cooper, Danielle G, Chad, Danielle L, Brian, and Curtiss fishing off the pier

Cooper showing us his minnow!

Chad and Nick taking care of the fire to keep us all warm

Nick and Cooper flying a kite

Jessica throwing the ball to Hugh while Nick and Cooper play outfield.  They all had a blast!

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