The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cooper's Finger

What a month for hands at the Middleton household!  First was my hand getting the blood infection after having an IV removed/inserted poorly, and now Coop!  After mom and dad helped with the fence on Saturday they wanted to bring Cooper back to their house (not sure who wanted it more, my parents bringing him to their house, or Cooper going to their house).  Anyways, on Sunday morning Dad went to the store and Mom was cleaning her bathroom.  Cooper tried to shut the double doors leading into the bathroom to block the dogs from coming in and got his poor little thumb pinched in the doors.

I was shopping when I got the call from Nick telling me I needed to go pick up Cooper (an hour away at my parents).  I called and the poor little guy was a mess (not to mention my Mom who is terrified of blood)!  I was at Target so I picked up some bandages, cleaners, gauze, and tape and made a dash to Argyle (where my folks live).

When I got there Dad was still gone (he didn't have his phone on him so he had no idea anything was happening), Mom was calming down, and poor Coopy was asleep on the couch...finger/hand/cheek from brushing his face full of blood.  Not to mention the soaked paper towels and blanket his hand was resting on.  He woke up a few minutes later, still shaking pretty good.  :(

Here are a few pictures of the hands at our house!  Luckily my swelling has diminished, but poor Coopers is still a mess.  I still have some pain, but not enough to need any painkillers or such.  Coopers still needs to have the bandages changed and cleaned over two hours or continues to bleed if touched 3 days later!  (His finger bled nonstop for a good 12 hours after his accident, poor chum!)

How gross are my hands?

Poor guys little thumb when I got to mom and dads...

This is a little while after we started to clean it up...

Two days later...  Its black and blue still.  It continues to bleed if touched wrong  :(

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