The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

CANADA Summer 2011

I am SO far behind on this blog!  Things have been happening so fast that I haven't had a chance to post anything in far too long!  We took a trip to Canada to see my family at the end of July.  We left Wylie at 4:00 in the afternoon on Thursday (after Nick's meeting).  He had stayed up the night before until 4 am so he would sleep late into the day.  That way he could drive the entire night (since I can't see well at night I wasn't much help).  I drove the first stretch to Tulsa (a 4 hour drive).  Then he took over and drove until 7 am.  We stopped 3 times during the night and stretched.  Both boys did amazing and slept through the night!  Well...I take that back... After the 2 am stop Cooper wasn't falling back asleep so I took the opportunity to close my eyes for a few minutes!  I'm one of those people who won't let only 1 person be awake driving at any time during a long trip.  I have to have a second set of eyes on the road for safety.  So Nick and Cooper chatted for 2 hours!  Here's a quick picture of Cooper singing to Adele during the middle of the night (he wasn't as crazy looking as this picture looks lol).
I drove the following morning for a couple hours while Nick rested, then he took over again.  We crossed into Canada through Michigan around 4:30 in the afternoon.  Once we hit Toronto I drove again.  The fastest speed we hit on the entire drive was there in Michigan; I couldn't keep up with them, and I'm a pretty good speedy driver!

We arrived at my Grand-parents house at Midnight.  We were buzzed from our Tim Hortons coffee's (YUM!).  We stayed awake talking to everyone for a while but finally coaxed ourselves into going to bed and starting to recover from the mega drive.

While in Canada we saw all of our family, went to see the changing of the guards in downtown Ottawa, did some shopping, had lots of amazing food, and had Wyatt's first birthday party with my whole side of the family.  It was so special, everyone was there!  Oh, we also brought Cooper to the dinosaur museum!  he has been wanting to see it for MONTHS!  Here are a few pictures:
Cooper on the same exact tree that my brother and I had our pictures taken on 2 decades ago!

Wyatt's first time on REAL SOFT grass!  Nothing like this crappy Texas grass that hurts to walk on!

My Nanny and Papa (the boys great-grandparents). My mom's parents.

My Granny and Grandpa (their other great-grandparents).  My Dad's parents.

My Aunt  Sandy teaching Cooper how to swim!

We did some fishing at Uncle Mike and Vi's house (on the Mississippi).  We caught tons of sunfish!

Yup, this sassy Dallas Mamma can forget her makeup and diamonds and get down and dirty..and take a fish off a hook.  HAHAHA, so many people would have never believed I did this!  I also picked live frogs out of the pool too!

The changing of the guards in Ottawa.  Its breathtaking!

My babies and I in front of the parliament buildings.

Nick and his boys in front of the parliament buildings.

Dinosaur fossils at the dinosaur museum!

Wyatt in MY Granny's Grandfathers crib.  That means this crib is Wyatt's Great, Great, Great Grandfathers.  How amazing is that?  Granny also slept in it, as well as her dad!  Breathtaking to think about!

Family picture taken at Uncle Mike's.

People swimming in the pool for Wyatt's birthday.  All family and friends!

Nick's burger balls before he made them into patties for everyone!

He went crazy for his birthday cake!  It was awesome!

Nick is sitting in his boat...that we pulled back from Grandpa's barn...on the middle of I-30 in Texas.  Next post is about the boat.... Anyways, a tractor trailer lost the front axel on his truck (don't worry, nobody was hurt), but the road was closed so we all had to park our cars for well over an hour.  We decided to have some fun and took this picture.  The lady behind in the van had Nick checking her air in her tires, showing her a TX map and how to get to where she was going.  It was fun to be silly after being stuck in the car for so long.   Such an amazing trip, can't wait to go back!

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