The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Fence, New Tooth

We have had a really busy week!  Wyatt got his second tooth exactly a week ago, started crawling on Monday, got his third tooth (a top one) this morning, enrolled Cooper is t-ball, re-cut Coopers mohawk, and we are redoing our fence!

I take that back.  Nick and my Dad are redoing our fence!  Nick woke up early yesterday and started taking the old one down.  My parents came over about 10 in the morning and both boys worked all day on it.  My parents left around 7:00 after making us all a delicious dinner!  My hand is still bothering me (from an IV gone wrong...) so mom helped in the house while the boys were outside.  I now have clean floors in the kitchen!  YAY!  (Thanks guys!)

Nick woke up quite early again this morning and started working on the fence some more.  Its going to take a few more weekends, but he's making great progress!  Here are some old fence pictures, and then some new fence pictures!  Will post again soon!

This is against the driveway "before" picture...

After the old fence had come down...

The beginning of the new fence and gate!  Looking good!

Look how much taller the new fence is!  We have a wooden deck off the backdoor in the backyard and we could see everyone's yards and they could see us in ours.  SO...we decided to build an 8 foot fence versus the old 6 foot one!  Its going to be beautiful once its completed!

Gotta add a picture of the boys of course!  Cooper wanted to color with Wyatt!

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