The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Losing Jaxs and Peaches

In November Jaxs passed away after a struggle with cancer.  We thought he would at least make it until Christmas but his little body couldn't fight any longer.  He passed away while laying on the couch where I placed him after bringing him home from the vets office.  Dad went to check on him a little while later and he was gone.  His buddy Chester was laying beside him on the couch when he died.  I like that he wasn't alone when he died.  The next morning Cooper and I went back to Mom and Dads early in the morning so we could be there to bury the guy.  I loved that silly dog from the moment I saw him at the pet rescue center at Petsmart and brought everyone I knew by to see him in hopes someone would adopt him.  I won: Mom fell in love with him, then she brought Dad back with Penny and Coco and Dad fell for him too.  He was ours.

In college Nick decided he wanted a dog.  My parents had Coco, Jaxs, and Penny (all wiener dogs).  Guess what he got?  A wiener dog..just black and tan instead of the brown like the 3 we had at my parents house.  We weren't sure what to name her until I saw the candle on Nicks desk that he always had lit: Peaches N Cream.  And so she became Peaches.  She LOVED to eat things, everything and anything.  Clothes, toys, any food you can think of.  She could destroy a squeaker toy in 2 seconds flat.  She loved to play catch.  She was Nicks baby for the 10 years we had her.  In December she stopped eating.  We tried spaghetti which worked for a few days and then she stopped eating that too.  She lost almost half her bodies weight.  She got so frail and tiny it was hard to hold her.  We brought her to the vet and they put her on an IV of fluids so they could do surgery the next morning.  On an xray they could see blockage in her, but they didn't know what it was.  The following morning she had surgery.  Penny just happened to be at the vets office to have her teeth cleaned.  The vet said Penny barked the whole entire time because she knew Peaches was in the crate beside her.  They all said Peaches calmed down knowing Penny was there with her.  

The vets office called us around 9:45 the night she had surgery.  The vet said he did everything he could but she was just too weak to pull through.  She died wearing her favorite flannel vest.  He said she wasn't hurting and we were thankful she was no longer in pain.  We certainly expected to bring her home a day or two later so  we were really shaken up.  We didn't think it was her time and it was awfully sad around our home for a few days after.  

We picked her up the following morning and buried her beside Jaxs at my parents house.  

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