The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


It was bound to happen with two really busy boys.  I was pretty sure Wyatt would be the first one to get them too...and he was.  5 stitches, on his head.  Sigh, the joys of boys.

We were still living at Mom and Dads house. Dad, Nick, and I were sitting on the patio furniture on the deck out front.  Mom was at work.  Wyatt came running (he doesn't know how to walk...he runs everywhere he goes) and tripped coming up the rock steps. I was looking at Dad, but Nick was looking over the back of the couch and saw Wyatt fall.  Before I heard Wyatts scream Nick was saying "get in the car...ER...stitches."

Anyone who knows Nick knows he doesn't go to the hospital for ANYTHING.  We never go to the hospital...ever.  When he said "ER" I was already running into the house to get my purse and keys.  Nick had jumped over my feet which were propped up on the table and had run down the steps to Wyatt.  The boys walked around the outside of the house to the car.  Dad stayed with Cooper at the house.  By the time I got to the car Wyatt had already stopped crying.  I saw his face and the gash and thought "oh geez."

Nick held Wyatt in the back keeping him talking and watching the gash.  It was directly above his eyebrow.  It should have been bleeding all over and it wasn't.  This also bothered the ER doctor once we got him there.  We were brought back to a room right away.

5 stitches later and one ticked off little boy (he did not like the fact that we had to pin him down and cover his face with a sheet so they could stitch him up) we were leaving.  He did amazing.  He didn't cry or whine.  He was so brave and such a trooper.  He didn't play with the stitches at all either.  For Wyatt, that's amazing.    I brought him back to the hospital 6 days later to have the stitches taken out.  Its been about 5 months now and the scar is still pretty good.  The doctor did amazing making sure his skin was perfect...its just pink from where the gash was.

While the doctor was stitching him up I remember Nick saying "is that his skull?" and the doctor goes "yup."  EWWWWW!

This first picture is right after we got home from the hospital.  The wound wasn't bleeding as much as it was draining the fluid that they pumped into him to numb him.  He was so good!

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