The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vermont Trip

HOLY COW.  Its February...and I haven't posted since July.  YIKES!  Looks like I have a full night of blog posts to do!

We took our family vacation to Vermont this past summer.  It was a whole lot of places crammed into a short two weeks.  We flew out of Dallas early in the morning and landed in Boston about noon.  We had a 4 hour drive to the cabin in Vermont that we rented.  It is  the same cabin that Nicks family used to rent when he was a kid.  Here it is:

The cabin was located on Lake Champlain in Vermont.  It was about an hour and a half drive to Burlington, Vermont, and about a 4 minute drive from Rouses' Point, New York.  I'm not kidding.  The bridge to New York was RIGHT THERE.  Seconds away.  It was shorter to drive to the grocery store in NY than it was to drive anywhere by the cabin in Vermont!

We spent the first week at the cabin going to the beach, playing in the lake, fishing, and doing all the cottage type things.  The boys had a blast at the local beach.  The sand was fun and the water was pretty warm.  It had to be for me to get in it!

Nicks parents came to spend a week at the cabin with us too!  It was a ton of fun and we all got the shopping and rest we needed on a vacation :)

We spent a day visiting the Ben and Jerry's factory (YUM!).  While there, Cooper made a tied dyed t-shirt that he LOVES wearing still:

We spent another day at North Pole, New York.  My parents, and Nicks Dad, both remembered going there as kids.  Its a full amusement park (not very big) that is Christmas themed.  Kind of funny having everyone wishing you Merry Christmas in the middle of the summer!  The boys loved it and Cooper still talks about it!

We also visited Stowe and went up Mount Mansfield (the pictures don't do the view justice at all!)

After our week at the cabin, the 4 of us got into the car and drove to Ottawa, Canada.  We surprised all of my grandparents by showing up a little unexpected.  ALL of our family was there (well, they were hiding at first).  We drove up Granny and Grampa's driveway and Grampa was outside.  He was SHOCKED to see us.  He had NO idea!  His eyes filled up with tears as we all got out of the car.  We had honked the horn so of course Granny went up to the door to see who it was.  She was squealing as Cooper ran up to it.  It was SO neat!  After we arrived, everyone else came to the house too.  It was so much fun.  Unfortunately we were only able to stay for 24 hours because we had to finish our vacation in Boston where we had things planned.

OH!  I almost forgot to mention Wyatt turned 2 on this trip.  So, he had 2 parties!  One in Vermont at the cabin, and another when we got to Granny and Grampas:

We left Canada and drove the 8 hours to Boston.  Boy were we tired!  It was dark and really rainy that evening as we were driving in.  We could not find a hotel anywhere and the road was so black.  We finally made it and got the rest we needed before our big Boston trip the following two days!

Our hotel went right over top of the freeway!

We took a tour of the Sam Adams brewery which was so neat!  They had a full tasting room where they told you about various beers and gave yummy sampled too!

After doing a tour of the brewery we went on the "party bus" which brought you the oldest pub in Boston that was the very first to serve Sam Adams beer.  It was SO much fun (and I discovered my new favorite beer here: Angry Orchard Hard Apple Cider.  Its amazing, go try some!)

That night was pretty special: Nick got to cross something off his bucket list!  We went to Fenway Park to watch the Boston Red Sox play the Texas Rangers.  We sat by great people who teased us for wearing our Texas shirts and jerseys....but thats okay.  We had so much fun there!

Want to know something crazy/funny?  I've had a GREAT friend online for almost 2 years now.  She is the mother of a diabetic and a big part of JDRF.  We view diabetes the same way (which is hard to find another person who just gets it these days).  SHE WAS AT THE SAME GAME AS US AT FENWAY AND WE HAD NO IDEA until after we had left.  We were both at the exact same place, at the exact same time and didn't know it.  WOW, what are the chances?!

The next day we spent touring downtown Boston.  It was so nice, but man...were our feet sore by the end of the day!  We saw so many great places. It was the perfect ending to the perfect family vacation!

This first picture shows the red painted line that you follow through the entire city.  It has a starting and ending to make sure you see every single special Boston cite!

This is the Boston Massacre site:

Cooper had a blast...and Wyatt threw a temper tantrum:

We saw Paul Revere's house:

It was a GREAT vacation, but boy...were we glad to get home.  Which brings us to the spot where we need to mention that we finally sold our house.  We fired our old Realtor  hired a new one...and she got us 4 offers in the first week of having our house on the market!  So...we were busy packing as soon as we got home!  

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