The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Fence, New Tooth

We have had a really busy week!  Wyatt got his second tooth exactly a week ago, started crawling on Monday, got his third tooth (a top one) this morning, enrolled Cooper is t-ball, re-cut Coopers mohawk, and we are redoing our fence!

I take that back.  Nick and my Dad are redoing our fence!  Nick woke up early yesterday and started taking the old one down.  My parents came over about 10 in the morning and both boys worked all day on it.  My parents left around 7:00 after making us all a delicious dinner!  My hand is still bothering me (from an IV gone wrong...) so mom helped in the house while the boys were outside.  I now have clean floors in the kitchen!  YAY!  (Thanks guys!)

Nick woke up quite early again this morning and started working on the fence some more.  Its going to take a few more weekends, but he's making great progress!  Here are some old fence pictures, and then some new fence pictures!  Will post again soon!

This is against the driveway "before" picture...

After the old fence had come down...

The beginning of the new fence and gate!  Looking good!

Look how much taller the new fence is!  We have a wooden deck off the backdoor in the backyard and we could see everyone's yards and they could see us in ours.  SO...we decided to build an 8 foot fence versus the old 6 foot one!  Its going to be beautiful once its completed!

Gotta add a picture of the boys of course!  Cooper wanted to color with Wyatt!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wyatt is Crawling!

On Monday March 21st Nick came up to me and said "It's going to be at least another month until Wyatt is crawling.  He won't get up on his knees."  I told him I agreed.  This was about 11 am.  That day Nick was working from home.  On a conference call in our bedroom in the middle of the afternoon I burst through the door and said "He's Crawling!"  Yes, Wyatt wanted to prove his parents wrong.  Who needs to get up on his knees to crawl?  Not Wyatt!  he just army crawls!  He is getting so good at it too!  He can go quite far doing his little army crawl too!  He won't crawl to simply crawl however; he has to be going after a toy or book.  It's adorable!  I will try and get Nick to get a video of it and post it!!!

He has Coopers curly hair too!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wyatt Has a Tooth!

Wyatt got his first tooth today! be honest he might have even had it yesterday, but we didn't know it.  He hasn't teethed like most babies do.  Cooper was the same way.  Neither of them ever had a fever or were cranky.  Neither one of them acted like they hurt.  I decided to see how his gums were doing today and there it was.  Of course it is on the bottom (babies always get their bottom teeth first).  It is on his right side.  He is going to be eating steak before we know it!

Like Father, Like Son  :)

 This is Wyatt and Tatum.  Tatum and her family came over to our house
for dinner on Saturday night.  We tried to put the babies down to
sleep but they wanted to play!  Tatum is 6 weeks older than Wyatt!

My sweet, sweet boys!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Swing Set is DONE!!!

Its Done!!!  Tonight Nick finished the boys swing set.  It looks amazing.  18 hours of hard work, but its completed!  Here are a few pictures!

This next one is Coopers rock climbing wall and slide:

This is the picnic table behind the rock climbing wlal:

With all the swing pieces on:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Swing Set (Day 1)

This morning (Sunday), we started building the boys swing set.  It had 4 huge rectangular boxes along with the slide.  We started by openning up each box and bringing the wooden pieces to the backyard.  Here is one of the views of the backyard...(there were also pieces on the side of the house)

 And a picture of all the findings:

Once in the backyard we organized them according to theirs numbers (each piece was labeled with a letter and a number).  This made a world of difference once we started and needed to find a piece because all we had to do was go to the N section or the L section, then go from 1-whichever number we needed.

The instruction manual is pretty well a foreign language to me, so Nick read the instructions and would tell me what to do.  In the beginning I did all the hammering of the small nuts/bolts and screwing them in...  Then when it got to using the drill I couldn't be of much help.  

I did half the work on this part...then I couldn't do much else!

Nick did 9/10ths of the whole thing today by himself.  I'm sure he is going to be so sore for the next few days!  

Here is what it looked like in the mid afternoon: 

And finally, after help from Uncle Tim coming over for dinner, this is the end of the day finale:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Busy Weekend!

What a busy weekend it has been so far!  On Friday Nick and I were taken out to dinner by one of Nicks business vendors.  We LOVE it when Dwight takes us out because we know we are in for an amazing evening!  Dwight and his associate Summer invited us to Steel (a posh restaurant and bar in Oaklawn, TX) for dinner and drinks.  We met them at 8:00 and Dwight instantly had our drinks coming.  Dwight makes you feel like you are a celebrity when he takes you out!  We had appetizers of edemame, chicken skewers, steak skewers, more mixed drinks (our glasses are NEVER empty!  AND...even if you tell him you don't want another, he orders you one anyways!).  So around 10:00 he orders dinner (he asked if we like fish, we said yes, and he ordered the rest).  Did I mention that whenever we go out we get our own personal waiter/s and he knows  them all (including the bartenders) by name...and the service is always INCREDIBLE!  So he orders us fried red snapper and it was absolutely beautiful the way it came out.  He also had rounds of spicy tuna sushi, and a few other "pickings."  After dinner he breaks out the wine menu and asks Summer to pick one.  Once she picks one he decides to go run it by the bartender to see if that is one of the better wines on the list.  The waiter comes back a few minutes later and opens the bottle.  We drink it all, of course.  Our glasses would have one sip taken out and the waiter would be back to add a little more!  Then Dwight orders us all espresso's.  Man, I'm full, and we've been drinking for hours at this point!  He asks me if I want more wine, and I say "no, I'm done thanks."  What does he say to the waiter?  "We will have another bottle."  It was a fantastic night, we were spoiled rotten, had so much fun with them, and really look forward to seeing them again.  On top of the great food and drinks, they are both fantastic people and we all laughed and talked all night long!  When we got home at 1 in the morning we were beyond tired but thankful to have such great people surrounding us!

Today we spent the day at my parents house because my brother Brian, sister-in-law Morgan, Niece Kacie, and new nephew Joseph came to town.  We ate dinner with them and then came home.  Cooper got a trampoline yesterday but didn't get a chance to play on it (since he went to my parents while Nick and I went out).  Anyways, he knew that we set it up and didn't close his eyes at all on the drive home (its an hour drive from my parents to our house).  He wanted to jump on it so badly!  When we got home we put his socks on and let him go on it for about ten minutes (its quite cold out, pitch black, but he didn't care one bit).  That little boy had the biggest smile I have ever seen!  We also bought his swing set yesterday...he cannot wait!  Hopefully we will get to build it next weekend!  Will write again soon!*

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who We Are

I'm going to assume that everyone reading this knows who we are...but just in case you stumbled across my blog, I'll go ahead and introduce us all!

Nick is my husband.  He was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1982.  He has a twin brother, Timothy, and a younger brother Douglas.  Nick moved to Oklahoma in high school, then went on to graduate from Oklahoma State University in 2006 with his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering.  He LOVES old cars; most importantly, old Fords.  He has been restoring his 1950 Ford Coupe since college.  Its a ways away from being completed, but he loves it!  Some other things Nick loves is baseball (he was a catcher from the time he could walk up until he graduated high school), country music, sports statistics, any Detroit sports team, and working around the house on remodels.  He loves to fix anything, and can fix anything you ask him too.  He's amazing!

I'm Krista.  Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 1983.  I have a younger brother named Brian.  In 1984 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and have been living with it ever since.  I'm sure posts about this crappy disease will come up later on.  I moved to Oklahoma when I was 12, graduated high school there, and also went on to graduate from Oklahoma State University with my bachelors in Elementary Education.  I spent my last semester of college teaching overseas in the United Kingdom on an air force base and it was incredible!  I stopped teaching when I had my first son Cooper and have never thought about going back.  I am now a stay at home Mom and I love it.  It is the best job in the whole entire world and I can't imagine doing anything else!  I love to make jewelery, cook, bake, and do your typical Mommy things.

Cooper Jack was born on November 18th, 2007 (on his Mamma's birthday!) 5 weeks early.  He was in the NICU for a day to monitor his stats since I am diabetic.  They wanted to make sure he was healthy.  He was!  He has since been the healthiest child we have ever seen.  He has only had 1 ear infection (when he was 2), and his first cold was when he turned 3 (thanks to pre-school).  Nothing else, ever...  Well...he did have his adenoid and tonsils taken out when he was 3 but that isn't a sickness...  Cooper LOVES to go, go, go!  He is one very busy kid!  He is also the most kind hearted little boy I have ever met.  I had a mom from his class come up to me and thank me for how sweet of a boy he is once.  She said every morning when she drops her daughter, R, off at school, R cries.  Cooper goes over to her and hugs her saying "No crying R, Coopers here."  :)

Wyatt Ford is our little Peanut (as we like to call him).  He was born August 3, 2010.  After he was born he had difficulty breathing which ended up resulting in a breathing tube and a 10 day stay in the NICU.  That was the HARDEST thing we as a family have ever had to go through.  He was a fighter though, been healthy ever since.  He does get basic colds kind of easily, but we all do now that Cooper is in Pre-school!  Wyatt's absolute favorite thing in the whole entire world is his big brother Cooper.  I'm not just saying that either, he truly does adore his brother.  When Cooper is around, Wyatt is all smiles!!!  Wyatt hates being a baby (crazy, right?!).  He had colic for 6 weeks when he was newborn and it was so much harder because he wanted to do things, but couldn't!  Now that he's bigger and is starting to be able to do things on his own, he is a really happy baby!

We also have 2 weiner dogs; Peaches (miniature black and tan), and Penny (miniature brown).