The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Busy Weekend!

What a busy weekend it has been so far!  On Friday Nick and I were taken out to dinner by one of Nicks business vendors.  We LOVE it when Dwight takes us out because we know we are in for an amazing evening!  Dwight and his associate Summer invited us to Steel (a posh restaurant and bar in Oaklawn, TX) for dinner and drinks.  We met them at 8:00 and Dwight instantly had our drinks coming.  Dwight makes you feel like you are a celebrity when he takes you out!  We had appetizers of edemame, chicken skewers, steak skewers, more mixed drinks (our glasses are NEVER empty!  AND...even if you tell him you don't want another, he orders you one anyways!).  So around 10:00 he orders dinner (he asked if we like fish, we said yes, and he ordered the rest).  Did I mention that whenever we go out we get our own personal waiter/s and he knows  them all (including the bartenders) by name...and the service is always INCREDIBLE!  So he orders us fried red snapper and it was absolutely beautiful the way it came out.  He also had rounds of spicy tuna sushi, and a few other "pickings."  After dinner he breaks out the wine menu and asks Summer to pick one.  Once she picks one he decides to go run it by the bartender to see if that is one of the better wines on the list.  The waiter comes back a few minutes later and opens the bottle.  We drink it all, of course.  Our glasses would have one sip taken out and the waiter would be back to add a little more!  Then Dwight orders us all espresso's.  Man, I'm full, and we've been drinking for hours at this point!  He asks me if I want more wine, and I say "no, I'm done thanks."  What does he say to the waiter?  "We will have another bottle."  It was a fantastic night, we were spoiled rotten, had so much fun with them, and really look forward to seeing them again.  On top of the great food and drinks, they are both fantastic people and we all laughed and talked all night long!  When we got home at 1 in the morning we were beyond tired but thankful to have such great people surrounding us!

Today we spent the day at my parents house because my brother Brian, sister-in-law Morgan, Niece Kacie, and new nephew Joseph came to town.  We ate dinner with them and then came home.  Cooper got a trampoline yesterday but didn't get a chance to play on it (since he went to my parents while Nick and I went out).  Anyways, he knew that we set it up and didn't close his eyes at all on the drive home (its an hour drive from my parents to our house).  He wanted to jump on it so badly!  When we got home we put his socks on and let him go on it for about ten minutes (its quite cold out, pitch black, but he didn't care one bit).  That little boy had the biggest smile I have ever seen!  We also bought his swing set yesterday...he cannot wait!  Hopefully we will get to build it next weekend!  Will write again soon!*

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