The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wyatt Has a Tooth!

Wyatt got his first tooth today! be honest he might have even had it yesterday, but we didn't know it.  He hasn't teethed like most babies do.  Cooper was the same way.  Neither of them ever had a fever or were cranky.  Neither one of them acted like they hurt.  I decided to see how his gums were doing today and there it was.  Of course it is on the bottom (babies always get their bottom teeth first).  It is on his right side.  He is going to be eating steak before we know it!

Like Father, Like Son  :)

 This is Wyatt and Tatum.  Tatum and her family came over to our house
for dinner on Saturday night.  We tried to put the babies down to
sleep but they wanted to play!  Tatum is 6 weeks older than Wyatt!

My sweet, sweet boys!

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