The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who We Are

I'm going to assume that everyone reading this knows who we are...but just in case you stumbled across my blog, I'll go ahead and introduce us all!

Nick is my husband.  He was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1982.  He has a twin brother, Timothy, and a younger brother Douglas.  Nick moved to Oklahoma in high school, then went on to graduate from Oklahoma State University in 2006 with his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering.  He LOVES old cars; most importantly, old Fords.  He has been restoring his 1950 Ford Coupe since college.  Its a ways away from being completed, but he loves it!  Some other things Nick loves is baseball (he was a catcher from the time he could walk up until he graduated high school), country music, sports statistics, any Detroit sports team, and working around the house on remodels.  He loves to fix anything, and can fix anything you ask him too.  He's amazing!

I'm Krista.  Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 1983.  I have a younger brother named Brian.  In 1984 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and have been living with it ever since.  I'm sure posts about this crappy disease will come up later on.  I moved to Oklahoma when I was 12, graduated high school there, and also went on to graduate from Oklahoma State University with my bachelors in Elementary Education.  I spent my last semester of college teaching overseas in the United Kingdom on an air force base and it was incredible!  I stopped teaching when I had my first son Cooper and have never thought about going back.  I am now a stay at home Mom and I love it.  It is the best job in the whole entire world and I can't imagine doing anything else!  I love to make jewelery, cook, bake, and do your typical Mommy things.

Cooper Jack was born on November 18th, 2007 (on his Mamma's birthday!) 5 weeks early.  He was in the NICU for a day to monitor his stats since I am diabetic.  They wanted to make sure he was healthy.  He was!  He has since been the healthiest child we have ever seen.  He has only had 1 ear infection (when he was 2), and his first cold was when he turned 3 (thanks to pre-school).  Nothing else, ever...  Well...he did have his adenoid and tonsils taken out when he was 3 but that isn't a sickness...  Cooper LOVES to go, go, go!  He is one very busy kid!  He is also the most kind hearted little boy I have ever met.  I had a mom from his class come up to me and thank me for how sweet of a boy he is once.  She said every morning when she drops her daughter, R, off at school, R cries.  Cooper goes over to her and hugs her saying "No crying R, Coopers here."  :)

Wyatt Ford is our little Peanut (as we like to call him).  He was born August 3, 2010.  After he was born he had difficulty breathing which ended up resulting in a breathing tube and a 10 day stay in the NICU.  That was the HARDEST thing we as a family have ever had to go through.  He was a fighter though, been healthy ever since.  He does get basic colds kind of easily, but we all do now that Cooper is in Pre-school!  Wyatt's absolute favorite thing in the whole entire world is his big brother Cooper.  I'm not just saying that either, he truly does adore his brother.  When Cooper is around, Wyatt is all smiles!!!  Wyatt hates being a baby (crazy, right?!).  He had colic for 6 weeks when he was newborn and it was so much harder because he wanted to do things, but couldn't!  Now that he's bigger and is starting to be able to do things on his own, he is a really happy baby!

We also have 2 weiner dogs; Peaches (miniature black and tan), and Penny (miniature brown).

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