The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

10 Year High School Reunion

What a busy weekend we just had!  Two weekends ago we were in Tulsa, again!  This time was for our high school reunion.  I can't believe it has been 10 years since we graduated high school (which also means Nick and I have been together for 10 years!).  We decided to go to Tulsa for the family picnic portion of the reunion (the reunion itself lasted all weekend).  We left Dallas around 8 PM on Friday and arrived to Tulsa just after midnight.  Of course Cooper was wide awake when we arrived so he stayed awake with us for awhile.  We stayed with Chad and Danielle again so bedtime wasn't until about 3 in the morning!  We played 2 games of beer pong and caught on on what we have been doing in the last week or two since we saw them.

On Saturday we went to the family picnic which was quite small considering we graduated with over 700 people!  There might have been 50 people total.  It was nice and small so the kids got to spend some quality time with a good group of kids.  After the picnic we went back to D and Chad's because we had all been invited to a cookout at their friends house.  Cooper loved it because one of the guys who owns the house we went too has a 5 year old son (he wasn't there because it wasn't his weekend to be with his dad), but he had tons of toys and movies for Cooper to play with.  They also had a dog called Stoops that Cooper fell in love with!  We left the cookout at 4:30 and headed to Incredible Pizza.  D, Chad, the 4 of us, my brother, Morgan, niece, nephew, and the 4 Baxters (high school friends who have since married and had 2 kids of their own) all came.  It was tons of fun!  I must admit the people there weren't the classiest of folks, but the food wasn't half bad and the kids (and grown up boys) all had a great time.  The 4 of us girls swapped babies and got lots of baby time in too!  After leaving Incredible Pizza at 9 PM it was back to D and Chad's for another game or two of beer pong.  I didn't last much past 1 in the morning, but the others all stayed up acting silly like usual.  I got some  great "fuddling" (aka cuddling as Cooper likes to call it) time in with my boys.

Sunday morning was as busy as the other days were too.  We woke up, got ready and drove to Oologah, OK for an air show with my brother and his family, and their friends Jay and Joy.  We got lost driving out there so didn't get to see as many planes as we would have liked to unfortunately.  We stayed until it was over then left to get some lunch.  Danielle, Chad, and their two friends Curtis and Danielle met us at a nice little Mexican restaurant.  After eating it was mid-afternoon.  The boys wanted to check out Bass Pro, so we spent the rest of the afternoon there.  After leaving Bass Pro we went to my brother's house to spend the last few minutes of our weekend trip with him and his family.  He had been wanting to show his motorcycle to Nick, and Nick had been wanting to see it.  We left Tulsa around dinnertime.  It was a really busy weekend, but we had fun as usual!

Here are a few pictures of our weekend:

Cooper and Kacie playing at Incredible Pizza

Cooper, my brother Brian, and Nick

The boys and kids racing...

Cooper and Hugh have discovered whoopie cushions...

The 4 cousins at the air show.

Snow Cones!

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