The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Interview With a 3 Year Old

I love when you ask a young child a question because their answers are always a good giggle or out of this world crazy.  I figured I would come up with some fun questions and ask Cooper them.  Here is how our interview went:

I'm going to give you an interview okay?
Cooper: What's an interview?  Hold on one second, be right back.  (He went into the kitchen to get his snack).

Okay Cooper, I'm going to ask you some questions, okay?
Cooper: K

Can you tell me you full name?
Cooper: C-O-O-P-E-R, Cooper Middleton

Coop, what's your favorite toy?
Cooper: (Looks around the room).  "Thomas."

Cooper:  I like my car bed.
Cooper: Cause I do

Can you tell me something you love to do?
Cooper: Yes.  Um.  I like to play outside on my swingset.

Who loves you?
Cooper:   My cousin Kacie.

Who else?
Cooper: Auntie Mo and Uncle Brian.

Who else loves you?
COoper:  Who is that girl in the pool?
Which girl?
Cooper: The girl in the pool with the striped bathing suit.
Cooper: Yes, Joy loves me.

What do you love about your brother?
Cooper:  I like to play with him.  I like to share my toys with him.

Who is your best friend?
Cooper:  Lauren.
From school?
Cooper: Yes.  And Mrs. Holloway (his teacher from last year).  We need to buy more of these pepperoni's at target okay?
Okay Cooper.

Tell me about your school?
Cooper:  Um, (chews...) I like to play with toys there.
What kinds of toys?
Cooper: Tunnel, and choo-choo train and play-doh.

What kinds of animals do you like?
Cooper: Elephants.  And giraffes.  And horsies, and cows.

Cooper:  Cause I do

What color is your favorite?
Cooper:  Um, green and yellow

Tell me your absolute favorite thing to eat.
Cooper:  These (points to the pepperoni's he's munching on).
Anything else?
Cooper: No, thats it.

What foods do you not like?
Cooper:  Um, hmm.  I don't like tomatoes.  I like spinach and after spinach I like bananas and fruit.  Ya.

Why don't you like tomatoes?
Cooper: I like to just pick them off.

Do you want me to ask you more questions, or are you done?
Cooper:  You can ask me more questions.

How old are you?
Cooper: Three.
Just three?
Cooper:  Ya, I'm not two  (he usually says three half)

Whats the weather like outside?
Cooper: 88

What did you do over the weekend?
Cooper:  Hum.  (plays with his pepperoni).
Not sure?
Cooper:  Uh, un.

Cooper: I'm done questions.  I dont' want to talk anymore questions.

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