The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wyatt is 1!

My baby turned one year old last Wednesday (August 3rd).  I can't believe how fast this year has gone by!  This past week has been so hard too thinking about how sick he was last year.  He is such a sweet little guy, I am so thankful for him!

Crazy Kid!

Here is a quick look of some of the last years pictures of him!  Enjoy!
August 3, 2010.  Wyatt Ford is here!  8 pounds 13 ounces!

Fighting to breath on CPAP, 30 hours after his birth.

The morning after the worst phone call of my life.  Dr called my room and said they had to intibate Wyatt, his breathing had gotten too bad.  He was fighting to breathe over the breathing tube.  Worst 10 days of my entire life.  The teddy bear was a gift from Big Brother Cooper saying "Hi Baby Wyatt."  Since Cooper was too young to be allowed into the NICU that is the only contact the brothers had.

8 Days old!  Getting stronger!

The first time Cooper got to see his brother.  In the NICU at Presby of Plano in Texas.  Best hospital in the entire world if anyone wants to know!.  This room is a special room for parents to sleep in with their babies the night before their NICU baby can leave the hospital.  Its like a hotel within the hospital.  Nurses come by once or twice a night to check on the baby but they don't have the tubes and wires or anything like that.  Cooper walked into the room the following morning, moved this chair over to Wyatt and starting petting him. It blew our minds!  He instantly became the best brother in the whole entire world!

Cooper about to bring his brother home!

Look who's a month old!

Two months!

Eating cereal at 3 1/2 months old!

4 Months old, December 2010.

5 months old!

He's 6 months old here!

7 Months and counting!

8 Months!

What a difference a month has made!  Look who's 9 months old!

So big at 10 months old!

11 Months old!

Happy 1st Birthday Beautiful Boy!

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