The 4 Middletons

The 4 Middletons

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Now that Wyatt is one year old we can finally cut his hair!  I'm not sure if anyone else knows/follows the old wives tale, but supposedly it is bad luck to cut a babies hair before their first birthday.  So with both kids we haven't cut or trimmed it just to be safe.  I'm not typically the type of person to follow these sorts of things, but Nick and I read so many different articles on the silly wives tale on Google that we just decided, "no hair cuts of any sort until they are one."  Go check out google, its crazy!  Last night we finally did it.  I did it actually.  Nick cut Coop's hair and I cut Wyatt's.  I did Wyatt's with a size 7 on the clippers (the longest tip we had) and it is  still really short.  The good thing is it looks nice on him and it truly does look like he has aged a year with the new do!

Shaggy 1 and Shaggy 2!

He is a hair cut pro!

He did so good!

The after!  So cute!

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